September 30, 2018

It's not 'distracted driving,' it's selfish driving

September 28, 2018

Thanks To Streaming Fragmentation, Bittorrent Traffic Is Suddenly Rising In Traffic Share
"Unfortunately, the past few years have seen a drastic fragmentation of the streaming market. Where there was once the need to essentially have one or two streaming services to get most of the content you want, exclusivity deals and homegrown content created by the streaming companies themselves has carved out more borders in the streaming services industry, often times requiring many streaming services to get the content people now want. And, because every action has an equal and opposite reaction, Canadian broadband management company Sandvine is reporting that bittorrent traffic is suddenly on the rise."

September 23, 2018


If you like music and dislike commercials, check out I’ve been a listener (and financial contributor) for years. So many great genre options.

If you use the Chrome web browser, there’s an extension available that will let you play it easily from the toolbar, see song history, etc.

September 09, 2018

Designing Effective Infographics

But before you even start one: what are you giving up when you choose an infographic?

  • Readability on all screen sizes (due to fixed width and scaling issues)
  • Searchability (because the “text” is actually part of the image)
  • Simple, linear flow (multiple columns reduce readability)
  • Respect for those with visual issues that use screen readers

GeoGuessr, a free mystery game that will show you the world

Use Google Street View to figure out where you’ve been dropped on Earth.

  • You don’t have to sing up to try it.
  • Singing up is free.
  • Use mouse scroll wheel, all arrow keys, and clicks to move around and zoom.
  • You can set your own rules, but the one I found that made the most sense: you could only use Google in another tab to search for things once you identified the city you are in.
  • To warm up, try the US map.

The Very Near Future [video]
"In the very near future Joey would like to order a XXL Triple Cheese Pizza online. To his great surprise this does not only appear to be difficult but causes serious trouble...."

September 02, 2018

(Dis)trust in Science
"This crumbling of trust in science and academia forms part of a broader pattern... Growing numbers of people claim their personal opinions hold equal weight to the opinions of experts."

We Can't Fix The Internet

“Some of this is a problem of social-network design, where everything is public, permanent, and free of context, a perfect storm of hyperbolic overreaction. But it wouldn’t have arisen like this if the audience for it didn’t exist. The audience was always there. Those old LJers and Goons were the architects of these faulty methods of communication. The saddest part is that, when you get swept up in it, it’s fun. Social media is a form of theater, where we are all simultaneously an audience and participants. We made this bed, and we’re lying in it.”