November 27, 2017

Email Is Broken. Can Anyone Fix It?

"The brutal truth seems to be that the only way to fix email is to fix our insecurity, neediness, and faux sense of urgency. Which seems unlikely. All developers can do in the meantime is try to help you climb the email mountain a little more easily."

November 14, 2017

Step-by-step guide to locking down your Facebook account

"If you're still using Facebook (I don't), your data is being used to profile you in seriously creepy ways; the best thing you can do is delete your Facebook account, but second-best is locking down your account, using the deliberately confusing, overly complexified privacy dashboard."

November 05, 2017

7 Tips for Presenting Bulleted Lists in Digital Content

"Summary: Bullet points help break up large blocks of text, make complex articles and blog posts easier to grasp, and make key information stand out."

Flat UI Elements Attract Less Attention and Cause Uncertainty

"Summary: Flat interfaces often use weak signifiers. In an eyetracking experiment comparing different kinds of clickability clues, UIs with weak signifiers required more user effort than strong ones."

November 04, 2017

The Ignorance of the Crowd

"Our social networks are like the biosphere: we don’t fully understand them; they’re changing rapidly; and these changes could lead to global collapse"

November 02, 2017

Batch file to check for new or changed files in a folder (including subfolders)

I created this batch file to check for new or changed files in a folder including subfolders.

  • It uses Robocopy to build a local representation of the files and directory structure, but all files are 0-byte files for speed and storage efficiency
  • It shows results on the screen, and adds everything to a log file for later perusal. 
  • This example contains 4 blocks of the checker code, and only the first is set up to check one folder (my desktop), but you may add more as you wish (my real one monitors 4 folders). 
  • I use Task Scheduler to run it every day; that could be less or more often as you wish.
The code is below, and is somewhat ::commented for your ease of understanding; you can place all this into a text file, change the things that need to be changed, rename the file to anything.bat, and there's your batch file.  Beware of line-wrapping from Blogger here. I'll number the lines so you know when that happens, please remove before use.

1. ::Written by Jeff Gillman
2. @echo off
4. color 3e

5. ::define the log file
6. set log=C:\Users\[username]\filechecker\checker.log
7. ::write a date/timestamp to the log file
8. date /t >>%log%
9. time /t >>%log%

10. ::text that will be displayed at the beginning 
11. echo.
12. echo FileChecker: checks for new/udpated/deleted files in specific folders
13. echo    New = new file
14. echo    Newer = file updated since previous scan
15. echo    *EXTRA = file deleted at source
16. echo.
17. echo.

18. ::block 1 (first folder)
19. set source=c:\users\[username]\desktop
20. set target=c:\users\[username]\filechecker\desktop
21. echo.
22. echo ........... Checking for new files in %source%
23. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /l /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed"
24. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed" >>%log%

25. ::color change to help user detect progress
26. color 4b

27. set source=\\[server1]\[folder1]
28. set target=c:\users\[username]\filechecker\[folder1]
29. echo.
30. echo ........... Checking for new files in %source%
31. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /l /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed"
32. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed" >>%log%

33. color e5

34. ::block 2 (second folder)
35. set source=\\[server2]\[folder2]
36. set target=c:\users\[username]\filechecker\[folder2]
37. echo.
38. echo ........... Checking for new files in %source%
39. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /l /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed"
40. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed" >>%log%

41. color f9

42. ::block 3 (third folder)
43. set source=\\[server2]\\[folder3][folder3]
44. echo.
45. echo ........... Checking for new files in %source%
46. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /l /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed"
47. robocopy %source% %target% /s /e /create /njh /njs /ndl /ns /purge | find /v "    Changed" >>%log%

48. ::final display of info
49. echo.
50. color 4f
51. echo \
52. echo \\
53. echo \\\ The above is also logged to %log%
54. ::reset variables to null
55. set log=
56. set source=
57. set target=
58. echo.
59. echo Press any key to exit.
60. ::wait for keypress, hide text because we're using custom text above
61. pause>nul

62. exit