April 26, 2014

What Can Men Do?

What Can Men Do?: "There is no mythical men's club where it is OK to be a jerk to women. If you see any behavior that gives you pause, behavior that makes you wonder "is that OK?", behavior that you'd be uncomfortable with directed toward your sister, your wife, your daughter – speak up. "

April 25, 2014

Acceledent Frequently Asked Questions

This device can cut your braces/Invisalign treatment time in half, by just vibrating your teeth 20 minutes a day. Many people also report it helps lessen pain after a braces adjustment or new Invisalign tray.

April 14, 2014

Seven new rules for interacting with technology.

Seven new rules for interacting with technology.: "I propose that we adhere to the following seven theses as a guide to our interactions with technology."

April 12, 2014

Windows XP Support Ends Today: Here’s How to Switch to Linux

Windows XP Support Ends Today: Here’s How to Switch to Linux: "Not only is desktop Linux more powerful and feature-complete than ever, the operating system you use matters less than ever. With more software becoming web-based, Linux is on a more even footing with Windows and Mac OS X."

How to Download Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 Installation Media — Legally

How to Download Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 Installation Media — Legally: "You can reinstall Windows from scratch using the product key that came with your PC, but you’ll have to find installation media yourself. Microsoft offers free Windows ISO files — if you know where to look."

April 11, 2014

Windows 7 does not go to sleep

Windows 7 does not go to sleep: Microsoft's suggestions for what to do if your computer won't go to sleep, or wakes up unexpectedly while asleep.