February 24, 2009

So Amazing, But Nobody is Happy

Funny video of (a here rather restrained) Louis C K doing what he does best: ranting. He makes some good points here about how we take technology for granted.

February 22, 2009

Rescue files with a boot CD (Knoppix)

Have a computer that won't boot into Windows? Use a Knoppix live CD instead, and copy off your important files before doing anything else.

February 10, 2009

Revolutionary Microchip Uses 30 Times Less Power

This boggles me, but I'm excited about it.

February 02, 2009


"With YourFonts you can make a True Type font from your own handwriting for free. The process is simple, quick and basically idiot-proof. Print out a template from the site, write in your letters, scan, upload and -- voila -- there you have it."