April 25, 2008

Two cool programs for kids of any age

My kids and I have been using some cool programs lately. Both are free, and Windows, Mac, and Linux versions are available.

Phun: physics simulator -- build and wreck stuff to your heart's content with this 2D physics sandbox. There's lots of videos on YouTube and other Phun-user sites that show just how complex you can get with this; but even very young kids can get the hang of it easily. My favorite part: create a shape, then liquefy it and watch gravity do its thing. The clouds that roll by occasionally are a nice touch.

Audacity: simple sound editor that lets you do multi-track recording… record a song, then add some sound effects and a beatbox track; or see what's it like singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" with a few clones of yourself. Some hints:

  • change a few settings to make things easier: have existing tracks played while recording new tracks (so you can hear to match things up); and set recording to mono mode so you can fit more tracks on the screen and not have to look at empty ones (mic recording is mono anyway)
  • start with a "click track": make a track of "one… two… three… four… one… two… three… four" to help keep the beat, then just delete that track as the final step; and start your other tracks after the first set of counts (like bands do when the drummer counts it down)
  • to record multiple tracks, just record something and hit Stop, then hit Record again: a new track will be created and recording will start.


April 24, 2008

Want to Remember Everything You'll Ever Learn?

"SuperMemo is based on the insight that there is an ideal moment to practice what you've learned. Practice too soon and you waste your time. Practice too late and you've forgotten the material and have to relearn it. "

April 23, 2008

Cell phone headsets

"Anyway, as I was dining, I couldn’t help but notice that a woman sitting at the table directly behind Colette was wearing one of those wireless cell-phone earpiece thingies."

April 13, 2008

What's Wrong With Parents Teaching Their Kids That Not All Internet Content Is Good?

"The simple fact of the matter, however, is that it is not reasonable nor practical to monitor your kids' every action online. "

The Internet Is Not Especially Dangerous For Kids -- Which, Tragically, Isn't Newsworthy To Some

Shrink Pic - automatic image resizing

"Shrink Pic can automatically resize images that you are sending by email, instant message or upload via your browser to your blog account. "

Quote of The Day

"My biologist brain says, 'There's not a lot you can conclude from the [environmental] evidence.' "But I've got a 9-year-old girl. And as a mother, I say, 'They've introduced all these chemicals into the environment, and they have no idea what it's doing. What are they, nuts?' I want data demonstrating safety, not data demonstrating ignorance." - Sandra Streingraber, biologist and visiting scholar at Ithaca College. [http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-puberty21jan21,0,4368261,full.story?coll=la-home-middleright]

Declutter Your Desk

Does your desk seem too busy, and surrounded by robot spaghetti (wires and cables)?

April 01, 2008