June 30, 2007

The Cult of the Amateur

"what the Web 2.0 revolution is really delivering is superficial observations of the world around us rather than deep analysis, shrill opinion rather than considered judgment."

June 25, 2007

The Mechanized Future

"In our increasingly mechanized world, we repeatedly hear promises that every new digital product, computerized service, or other form of technology, will make our lives easier — bestowing greater leisure, health, and happiness. Yet are any of those promises being fulfilled? Are we not instead becoming slaves to the very "conveniences" that we struggle to master?"

June 22, 2007

Major Pain: 10 New-Millennium Maladies

"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Ha! That is, like, so 1990s!"

The Machines Are Watching Us, Judging Us

"Surveillance cameras are increasingly monitoring noncriminals engaged in technically legal behavior. Meanwhile, special new artificial intelligence software is processing video feeds to look for unacceptable behavior. The machines are watching us, and they are making judgments about what we do."

June 11, 2007

Evolution of the 'Captcha'

"... are we stuck jumping through more and more hoops to register at places?"

June 10, 2007

20 Google tips for better searches

"... should be required reading for anyone that regularly uses Google"

Google’s Privacy Policies Ranked the Worst

June 07, 2007

Suddenly, the Paranoids Don't Seem So Paranoid Anymore

"Have you noticed? We've become a people that no longer respects, or apparently desires, privacy. Our own or anybody else's."